Now that you are mobile means we have to keep a closer eye on you as you explore your surroundings. We also get to start using the word “no”. You have tried to get into things not meant for you and we have given you a stern “no” and you just turn around, look at us, smile and start moving toward the object again. I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come…..
Another new thing you’ve developed is a little ‘tude. You don’t like it if you can’t do something, reach something or if now you’re told no. I’m not quite sure where you could’ve gotten this ‘tude (:/) but hopefully it’s just a phase. Even with the ‘tude and laughing off when you’re told no, I wouldn’t trade you for anything. You are the most wonderful, amazing, smart, funny, happy, most perfect baby and I love you more than anything! I can’t imagine my life without you!!
-weight: 20 lbs. ( I weighed myself then held you on the scale with me and it was a 20 lb. difference so…..)
-length: 28 1/4 “ ( measured by me so the accuracy is in question)
-eats: formula (usually 6 oz.), veggies, fruits, rice cereal and recently started some snack puffs
-size 3 diapers
-wears 9 month clothing
-says “mmmaaammmaaamamamma”, “dddaadddaaadadada”, “bbbebebebee” and several other sounds that are hard to type………………….there should be a code for this
Things you enjoy:
-looking at books
-playing peek a boo
-hearing people make animal sounds
-checking out new things (computer tower, basket of electronic gadgets, camera case, etc.)
-watching your kid videos
-singing songs
-holding pens
-banging on laptop
-playing with blocks
-knocking over towers of toys
-playing with car seat
-sitting in front of my closet mirror
-patting baby Shala
-playing/loving roughly on Caden
-watching other people (sometimes a little too long…AKA staring)
-you now are intrigued by the vacuum instead of terrified, that's good :)
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